Monday 13 August 2012

Do you know that there are several thousands of bloggers and affiliate marketers on the internet today but only 10% of them are making profit in their respective niche? Why? I feel sorry for people who think they’ve done it all to bring in traffic. One thing you must need to know about blogging is that you need persistence and continuity to stay on top. The reason why there are so many weaklings on the internet today is because they’ve not found out the true efficacy and power of article marketing.

Do you own an offline business? You’ll like people to patronize your service, but they can’t buy from you if they don’t recognize your presence. You’ve got to make yourself known! It’s the same way online business is operated! Article marketing is a platform, and it’s considered to be one of the very best methods of driving traffic to any website. I’ve been writing online for 3years now and I’ve noticed that the secret behind the success of most well established bloggers and marketers is that they’ve learnt to use articles to market their products and services. I’ve seen some bloggers ignore article marketing (they don’t know that the life bone of a blog is in the contents).

How would you feel if you found out that the reason why you’re still alive is because of the business you’ve invested into for a long time? Article marketing is a ‘’BIG TIME’’ investment. I feel sorry and sad when I see young bloggers underestimate the power of article marketing. If you want recognition and free targeted traffic, the easiest way is through article marketing. Article marketing is the sole reason your blog’s still alive today. When you write your articles and distribute to various web directories, you receive targeted traffic for many years to come. One article of yours can bring you 10 sales after so many weeks. If you want your article marketing campaign successful; you’ve got to produce contents that attract customers. You need to convince people that you care and know the solution to their problems with your writings.

Before you can generate traffic, your article has to be of intense quality. Not just articles that are filled with common information’s. One thing you must learn to do is to single yourself from the public. You’ve got to provide information that’ll arouse your reader’s interest and force them to click your links.

If you constantly produce quality articles, you stand the chance of building a solid emotional relationship in the mind of your readers which will return help build strong recognition and brand. When people see that your article is always filled with useful information’s, they’ll always buy from you.
USEFUL TIP- men are moved by words, and you can only convince a man if you give solution to his challenges. People will always buy if they see your passion and driving force to help solve their problem (that’s the nature of human beings).

If you’ll love to succeed in your article marketing campaign, you’ve got to have the spirit of continuity and persistence. I’ve seen so many bloggers and affiliate marketers write bulk articles and get to sleep after some time. The truth is... do you want to stop making money? If you’ll like to stop making money then stop article marketing. (I doubt if you are).success is only achieved if you adapt the spirit of persistence and continuity. That’s where the cash comes from! Continue writing articles, make use of your keyword density and see the way your blog grow. Before distributing your articles to ezine publishers, place great emphasis on keyword density, (must be relevant to your niche), keyword frequency and keyword prominence. You’ll definitely rank high if you make good use of these factors.

This is a very important factor in article marketing. Keywords are words your visitors will look for. They are targeted! Learn to make use of Google’s keyword tool effectively. As a blogger, learn to optimize keywords in your articles in order to get serious traffic from the search engines.
Remember, success is a gradual thing and you must learn to be patient during the campaign. Don’t expect quick returns because it’ll take some time for your articles to get ranked. Like I said earlier, writing properly optimized and unique content is what will make you stand out from your competitors. As a blogger or affiliate marketer, if you need unique and properly optimized articles get a professional web content writer to get the job done (you might have yourself to thank later on)


Friday 27 July 2012


I am a full time content writer and I’m in the business of writing. I desire to take your business to the next and highest level with my exponential and sale killing writing.
I know your business is all about you I can help you get your business to the next level. It doesn’t matter if you’re an affiliate marketer, an individual or newbie blogger, I offer various writing services that can contribute a vital part in the growth of your business. When working in your project, I place much concentration and emphasis on the quality and neatness of my work, while ensuring you get the best deal on your investment.
I know you may have various writing needs and you want your project delivered in time; the latest turnaround for bulk articles of 10 or more is just 24 hours and I promise you won’t wait more!!!
Below are the services I offer.

If you want quality and heart killing articles or reports written in your name by a professional content expert who knows his job, you’re in the right page.
With quality research and formatting, I will help you write the best article you’ll be proud to put your name on.

Ebooks are one of the best and most efficient ways of positioning yourself out of over 160,000 blog owners on the web. They are one of the best ways of placing yourself as a professional expert in your field. As you know, ebooks are used to build list and you can also sell it for profit. It’s also a vital part of viral marketing.

Since the inception of the internet, blogging has been considered as one of the most efficient ways of marketing yourself. I recently open a blog in the health niche and I’ve done some guest post on top blogs in the internet marketing niche. The blog owners that I’ve written for have testified how my writing has boosted their blog’s membership and readership. If you want me to take your blog to the next level with my regular quality content service, you can visit the ‘’contact me page’’.

Raising a successful online business is not about the readership base, it’s about the connection. You cannot build a successful online business if you cannot create connection with your audience. The reason why you must build a strong connection with your audience is for the future of your business. They need to trust you; they need to be sure you have the solution to their challenge.
With email and newsletter copy writing service, I can connect you with your subscribers easily. I’ll align myself with your goals and I’ll create  a connection that will make you good money in future.

Guest blogging is one of the most effective ways of building quality back links to improve your rankings.
I also specialize in guest blogging. if you want guest blogging for back links, my guest blogging service is designed specifically for you.

I’m currently taking new clients and I really value your openness. I know you have your budget and I can fit in if your rate is good and encouraging. 

Don’t be scared, because of you, I have really dropped down my rate from 20$ per article to hmmmmm….. I can’t say now!

You can mail me:
Skype: adetunji19
Google chat: danieladetunji5
If you have a large project, I have a surprise for you.
Thanks and I await your response……