Scientists Have Evidence That Links the Parent’s Age to Having Children with Autism
For many years, people have been wondering about whether the age of a parent can be a contributing factor to the risk of producing children with autism. Just recently, several teams of scientists believed that they have made a compelling discovery in regards to the risks of autism in children, who are born to a parent – particularly the father – with over 35 years of age. However, another team of scientists believe that the “paternal age effect” offers relatively the same chances of having children with autism, for mothers with the same age bracket. 

The first three teams of scientists conducted their research in a similar fashion. They analyzed the genetic materials that they took from the blood samples of several families who volunteered for the scientific cause. The volunteers were mostly parents who showed no signs of autism, but have a child who has an impaired social communication and interaction. They were able to spot the genetic mutation that contributes to the risk of developing autism in children, from the blood samples they got. The rare genetic glitch that these scientists were eyeing on is called the de novo mutations. The fact of the matter is that de novo mutations are not necessarily inherited from any of the genes from the child’s parents. The genetic glitch usually happens during the first phase of conception or even a few moments before that. 

All three teams got the same findings after conducting their separate researches from approximately 200 blood samples for each team that they got from the volunteers. All of three researches suggested that the chance of having a child with autism who is born to a father with over 35 years of age is about 0.0001 percent – about 1 in 10,000 men, and they found at least one de novo mutation from the blood samples of the volunteers. Scientists believe that they have come up with a compelling discovery because coincidences, such as these, happen only rarely.

On the other hand, another team of scientists in Denmark led by Erik Thorlund Parner conducted another study regarding the subject. From the information that they have gathered, they inferred that the “the paternal effect” can be applied to old mothers as well. The risks of having kids with autism, for mothers over the age of 40, were about 28 to 65 percent than with moms whose ages are under 35.

Parner’s scientific study was supported by an Autism Research in 2010, which states that mothers over the age of 35 are 51% at risk of having a child with autism. However, the absolute risk is about less than 4 in 1000 mothers, which is fairly low. 

“We've known for quite some time that, as mothers age, they do have an increased risk of changes in their genes; which, then, can manifest with some types of birth consequences.” Dr. Jennifer Ashton told Harry Smith in an interview at the Early Show in 2010.

Although, Dr. Ashton did mention in her interview that parents are also at risk of having a child with autism, if the father is over 40 while the mom is under 30.
Although scientists have done and still doing their best, the risk of a child having autism are still high. And parents are often advised by medical practitioners to educate themselves on the subject of gene mutation

South Korea’s biggest mobile phone maker – Samsung – is planning to release at least three new Samsung Galaxy phones running on Microsoft Window’s operating system (OS) before 2013. The Samsung Mandel SGH-i667 is probably in for the count. The three new smartphones from Samsung is yet to be announced, which is why information regarding the phones and the launched date is pretty much scarce as of the moment. However, many believed that Samsung might put Windows Phone 8, otherwise known as Apollo, on board.

Even though Samsung is planning to use Windows Phone 8 for their there new smartphones available for this year, Samsung’s Mandel SGH-i667 will probably use the Windows Phone 7.5 Refresh. WP Dang stated that the Mandel will have a 480x800 resolution. As always, Samsung has always been one of the top competitors in the mobile phone industry. In fact, this South Korean giant has given other brands on the market a tight competition in the world of wireless devices. Even though Samsung is trying to keep its new developments a close guarded secret, it can’t be helped that some information might leak either intentionally or not. For this reason alone, this innovative mobile phone manufacturer is even planning to come up with its next set of hybrid smartphones that promises too sweep the Windows phone market probably by a landslide – Samsung is keeping its hopes up.

Another reliable source from Taiwan even said that Samsung will be launching the last smartphone that boards Windows Phone 7.5 OS and the company will be have no more plans to launch new smartphones with the said operating system. As expected, Samsung wanted to show to their clients that Windows 8 will be definitely be the new wave that will knock over the Windows phone market.

Before Samsung announced that the company will be launching three new smartphones by 2012, the company has already released two new Windows Phone handsets on the local and online market. The first one is the Samsung Focus S and the Focus Flash. The Samsung Focus S, is much thinner and sleeker compared to its predecessors, which is only about 8.5mm at its thinnest point. There are many great software applications available for this particular smartphone. On the other hand, the Samsung Focus Flash has a built-in Twitter and LinkedIn application that really comes in handy if you frequently use the two social media websites. These features will also enable you to see all of your email messages in one place. The smartphone’s 1.4GHz processor will ensure that consumers will send, receive and update on their phone in the shortest amount of time. Both of these smartphones have Windows Phone 7.5 OS on board and everything that goes with it.

As for the new developments of Samsung’s three new smartphones for this year, consumers will have to be patient and stay updated on their latest press releases regarding the new smartphones. With the amount of hype that Samsung is trying to build, consumers can expect that these smartphones will definitely become a blast!

The Insurrection of Mali's Tuareg Rebels Led To the Proclamation of the Azawad Nation
Within the borders of Mali, a separatist group has declared its northern regions as an independent nation. The fight to claim for their new territory was finally over after 21 years of struggle. However, it was not something that was done peacefully, as evidently seen from the series of pictures taken by photo journalists regarding the event. They called their newly claimed territory as the nation of Azawad. Right now, Mali is divided into two factions: a rebel-controlled north, and junta-controlled south. Radical Islamists are making the matters even worst as they install sharia, amidst the chaos that has swooped in to country.

"We, the people of the Azawad…proclaim the irrevocable independence of the state of the Azawad from this day forth," the Movement for the National Liberation of the Azawad (MNLA) stated on the group’s official website.

MNLA is one of the two major rebel groups in Bamako, Mali. Shortly after claiming for their new territory, the group has issued yet another statement on their official website stating that they will respect the borders of their neighboring nations.

Mali has always been considered as the country that is trapped in its pool of political instabilities, religious strife, separatist ambitions and economic paralysis. Northern towns of Kidal, Gao and Timbuktu was laid in waste after chaos reigned during the two weeks of claiming the north. The military coup was believed to be the catalyst for the Azawadian independence because the military was no longer happy with how TourĂ©’s government reacted to the northern insurrections – not being properly armed during the northern insurrection, for instance. This led to the government being overthrown by the military coup leaders. They also said that in a few days time, the power of the junta will transferred down to the civilians as they are trying to find some help from neighboring countries in order to help them tackle the Tuareg problem that is raging in the north, as reported by the Associated Press.
The Azawad rebels now have sufficient supplies that they got from looting Mali’s northern cities. However, the Amnesty International warned that the north Mali was already on the brink of major humanitarian disaster and the sanctions against the junta faction could have damaging consequences in the future. This is because all of the stocked supplies by several major aid agencies in north Mali have been looted from the several weeks of insurrection.
Azawad rebels have claimed most of their significant gains in the two weeks since the coup transpired. The rebels fought failed attempts in the 1960s, 1990s, and 2000s, but never met with success until the ouster of Gadhafi last year sent his foreign fighters south across the Sahara, along with the weapons they pulled from his armories. The current population of Mali is probably at a high risk of dealing with severe food and medical shortages. This could lead to several casualties over the course of the north and south Mali conflict, especially the women and children of Mali who will not able to fend for themselves.
Ever since the pre-insurrection move by the Tuareg rebels that happened in mid January, there were about 200,000 people in Mali who fled the scene, in fear of the separatist movement.


Since the inception of the internet, so many online businesses have come and go. Ever since the internet became a reality, things have been changing from time to time. The reason why so many online business owners may never be successful is because of their inability to single out themselves from the crowd to do something different.  The internet is a very large empire. For you to succeed, you need to be strategic and unique.
However, there are so many businesses that are still the same since they were founded. If you own a business, and you’re not moving the way you are supposed to, it means something is wrong! You may not agree with me but the fact is that you’re the express image of your business. The way you think and act on decisions will reflect in your business. Never have the thought of impossibility or fear. The reason why you’ve been there for so long is because you’ve not gotten what I call ‘’ online revelation’’.
Online revelation has to do with your thoughts. Before I move into the main topic, won’t you like to know what thoughts are, and how they can affect your online or offline business?
Thoughts are tools of the mind with constructive or destructive meaning. For you to be successful online you need to change your thoughts. Reframe you thoughts! Never have the thought of defeat or fear that things might not work out the way they are supposed to.


All the basic transportation tools we have today are as a result of men’s thought. If Anthony Iwuji never thought of a wonderful site like this that provides rich information on how to start up online businesses, this will never become a reality!

First he thought, he planned, and he took action….

These three principles are what make an online business profitable and successful. If the famous writer and young entrepreneur Bamidele Oni never constructed his thoughts in the right way, he will never be where he is today. Likewise you, construct your thoughts.
-          Never worry about your competitors because they are not a factor. Just make sure you work in the right way.

-          Be passionate about your job. Passion has been the main force that has driven so many online businesses where they are today. Be passionate about your job! Never work on a niche you’re not passionate about, if you work with passion, the money will follow. That is the principle of the universe.

-          Never compare yourselves with others. Simply because your friend is making progress with his business does not mean you won’t be successful too. Get close to friend of yours, look at what he did to be successful, and implement your strategies to the idea you got from him. By doing so, you will notice that you will move faster and even do more than what he has done.

-          Lastly, don’t make excuses. The reason why you’ve not been getting things right is because you’ve been making excuses of things instead of providing solutions. Never complain that a strategy you have implemented to get traffic to your site is not working. Instead, think on a solution! Think on how you will strategize to hit that desired traffic.
Before starting your online business, ensure you reframe your thought, plan, and take action like I’ve said earlier. You will only succeed online if you’re ready to work and do things others are not doing.

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